Sonntag, 2. November 2014

How to be on Tinder, Pt.1: The picture

Tinder is a very visual platform. So the first picture counts. It decides whether the thumb slides left or right. I have clicked through various pics for a day and a night now. So I feel ready to give some advice to all of you guys, especially.

1. Don't post a picture of an expensive car, a motor bike or a yacht. This just shows how small your self-esteem is and makes the ladies wonder about the size of your private parts.

2. Don't pose with a baseball bat or any other kind of weapon. You might not be the beating husband type but let's not raise any doubts here.

3. Don't include any ex-girlfriends,children or even friends. Please note: If you blur their faces with Photoshop it gives an even eerier impression. (Especially if it's a wedding photo and you are the groom.)

4. Don't wear a wedding-ring. It might get important to show that you're ready for commitment at some point, but this is a little early.

5. Don't take off your shirt, pleeease! Even if you've been working on these abs real hard. Women will assume you're superficial and basically only there to fuck. If that's ok with you: go for it.

6. Actually POST a picture! Avatars don't win hearts. Also don't post pictures of celebrities or Pixar characters. Everybody will know you're not Jude Law.

7. Try to be as accurate as possible when it comes to your age. Nobody will believe you're still in your thirties just because you hide your receding hairline under a cool cap.

8. I know it's tempting, because they're cute and cuddly and you can show your softer side, BUT: no dog pictures. It's too obvious and you always lose against a pup. (Btw: cats are out of the question)

9. No pictures where the background is more impressive than your face. So no Empire State/Spanish stairs/Eiffel tower-selfies. You can keep these for your private photo-show.

10. And finally no crazy, funny or sad faces. Come on, being on Tinder is weird enough, nobody wants to date a freak. Just smile like you mean it.

That's basically it. Thanks guys.

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